Brad Peppo

The foundation of Pastor Brad’s faith was laid in the Christian home in which he was raised. As a young child he was taught the gospel of Jesus Christ by his parents; he professed his faith and was baptized at Community Grace Brethren Church in West Milton, Ohio. Brad continued to be blessed by the ministry of that church through his youth, receiving additional Christian education from Sugar Grove Christian School and, after a few years in the Northmont School system, from Dayton Christian High School, where he graduated in 1993.

Shortly after graduation, the Lord began to build on Brad’s early foundation by giving him a deeper desire to study the Scriptures and a developing interest in pursuing gospel ministry. He studied Bible at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago and at The Master’s College in Santa Clarita, California before returning home to study Classics at Wright State University and ultimately to finish his Bachelor’s degrees in Bible and History at Cedarville College. Early in his undergraduate days, God blessed Brad with his wife, Cinnamon. Through the last few years of his college studies, the Peppos worshiped as members at Grace Covenant Church in Beavercreek. Through the course of his studies, Brad came to see the beauty and the glory of Christ which is demonstrated from the Scriptures by the perspective of Reformed theology.

Still interested in pursuing the ministry, but seeing the need to gain some life-experience, the Peppos moved in 1998 to the Cincinnati area where Brad taught at the Classical Christian school, Mars Hill Academy. While living in Cincinnati, the Peppos became members of Church of the Covenant (PCA) in Forest Park. A few years later they moved back to Dayton where Brad earned his Master’s in English from University of Dayton and then his Juris Doctor from University of Dayton School of Law. Back in Dayton, the Peppos became members of Covenant OPC in Vandalia. Brad practiced law for a few years with a small firm and worked as an allied attorney with the Alliance Defense Fund. By this time, God had blessed the family with two children.

Throughout this period, Brad’s desire to pursue the Gospel ministry had been steadily increasing. He became particularly interested in the idea of working to plant OPC churches throughout the Miami Valley. In 2011 God began to open a door for just this kind of work, Covenant’s session having begun plans for a mission work with a core group of families in Springfield, Ohio. Brad was hired as an intern at Covenant with a view to this work and was supported through his distance studies at Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Taylors, South Carolina, from which he received his M.A in 2014.

Near the end of 2013, Brad was ordained by the Presbytery of Ohio and called by Covenant as an Evangelist. Through 2014 he engaged in outreach ministry, worked among skeptic and atheist communities in the Dayton area, and lead a study of Reformed theology for the Springfield core group. Early in 2015 that core group was formed into a mission work, Living Water OPC, which began meeting for evening worship. Brad was called by Covenant to serve as Living Water’s organizing pastor. For the latter half of 2015, Brad also served as interim pastor for Covenant, which was awaiting the ordination and installation of Matthew Patton as pastor. In 2016, the Springfield mission work moved to morning worship, and in May of 2017 was organized as a particular church, calling Daniel Doleys as her first permanent pastor.

Upon returning to Covenant, Brad began looking for new church planting opportunities in the Miami Valley. Groundwork was laid for a work in western Montgomery County, starting with a Bible study in 2017, and then moving to evening worship services in West Alexandria and New Lebanon in early 2018.

As this work was under way, Brad was contacted by a group of families who were interested in seeing an OPC church planted in the Wilmington area. That group quickly formed into a mission work (Wilmington Reformed Church) and has been meeting for fellowship, instruction, and Sunday morning worship since March of 2018. Brad served that work as a church planter until Rev. Stephen Lauer began serving as its organizing pastor in the spring of 2019.

As of August 2018, the group which had formerly been meeting in western Montgomery County moved their meetings into Downtown Dayton and were formed into a new mission work, First Street Reformed (soon to be named Light of the Nations Church). Brad served as the work’s organizing pastor until November 2020 and now serves there as an evangelist alongside pastor Tyler Detrick.