
The Gospel

At the center of our belief at Light of the Nations is the good news or the gospel of Jesus Christ. The last pages of the Bible promise that God has a wonderful plan in place. He is preparing a future better world where suffering has no place. “He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more” (Revelation 21:4). But if God exists, why isn’t the world already like that?

The world has been broken by human selfishness – what God calls sin. Think about it! Haven’t you experienced the selfishness of others? Haven’t you sensed it in yourself? Even when we try to do good, isn’t there a part of us that is selfishly trying to look good? This is why the Bible has the honesty to say we are all “sinners.” Sin dishonors God, dehumanizes us, and harms other people. God’s penalty for sin is death and hell. There is no place for sin in God’s future better world… so how can we hope to enter?

The central miracle of the Christian story is that Jesus – fully God and fully man — came to rescue us. He died on the cross, paying the guilty debt of our sin. Jesus then rose again from the dead with the power to change our hearts. The work of Jesus is promised as a free gift to “whoever believes in Him.” We beleive this is very good news indeed! Join us this Sunday and experience the life-changing power of Jesus.


The Scriptures

While the Gospel is the core of what we believe and teach at our church, we also believe and teach everything else that is included in the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. We believe the Bible to be the true word of God and use it as the only ultimate standard for our faith and our practice.

The Westminster Standards

To summarize and to clarify what we understand the Bible to teach, we have also adopted the Westminster Standards. These are a confession of faith and teaching tools that were developed in England during the time of the Protestant Reformation and which we believe to be an accurate representation and helpful organization of the Bible’s teaching. Learn More

Recent Sermons

  • Redeeming Culture
    on September 22, 2024

    In an arrogant and godless society, the righteous must preserve knowledge of the Lord.

  • The Way of Cain
    on September 15, 2024

    The blood of Abel cries out for Justice, but the blood of Jesus cries out for forgiveness!

  • Paradise Lost
    on September 8, 2024

    Sin has stolen paradise from us! Yet God preserves us through his perfect sacrifice.

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